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The Student Voice of Prosper High School

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The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Eagle Nation Online

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The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Eagle Nation Online

Isabella Abraham

Isabella Abraham, Feature/Copy Editor

Isabella Abraham is the Feature/Copy Editor and Editorial Board member for Eagle Nation Online. As a senior, this is her third year on the staff. She discovered her passion for writing and reporting in her freshman Journalism 1 class, and that interest led to competing on the UIL Journalism team. She hopes to inspire readers with her ENO articles, as well as qualify for UIL state this year. A native of New York, she dreams to live in Washington, D.C. and work for the UN.

All content by Isabella Abraham
Cars line up in front of Hughes Elementary school. Starting today and until Friday, Mar. 20, parents can go to their nearest Prosper ISD elementary school from 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and again from 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. to pick up Chromebooks.

What to expect for chromebook pick-up

Isabella Abraham, Feature/Copy Editor
March 18, 2020
Gabi plays JV silver hockey for the school – the top tier for the league. "The kids on my team struggled a little bit at first with this season especially because I think they saw me a little bit as a threat," Gabi said. "It's kind of hard when there's a girl who's older and in some ways better. They just really did not like it. But most other JV teams have at least one girl in the program, so they are usually pretty accepting."

Sticking it to ’em

Isabella Abraham, Feature/Copy Editor
February 7, 2020
Students can get a glimpse into the various clubs and classes offered at Expo Night Monday, Jan. 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. Programs at both Prosper and Rock Hill will be on display. "Expo Night allows students to showcase the skills they've learned in class," senior Morgan Harris said. "They also get to interact with and inspire younger students to pursue their interests."

Clubs to showcase programs at EXPO night

Isabella Abraham, Feature/Copy Editor
January 13, 2020
New agriculture teacher Joseph Molina joined the Marine Corp at age 19 and served for five years. He was honorably discharged in 2009 as Sergeant E5.  "It’s not for everybody," Molina said. "It’s a lot of work and a lot of mental stress. If you're wired that way, and you can contribute to the Marine Corps, and the Marine Corps can contribute to you, do it. There's risks involved, mental and physical."

Teacher journeys from Marines to FFA

Isabella Abraham, Feature/Copy Editor
September 23, 2019
Sophomore Tyler Bailey, No. 4, runs out of the tunnel holding a Prosper flag with seniors J.T. Lane, No. 28, and Malachi Edwards, No. 92 alongside him. The Eagles beat Rowlett 31-7 in their first game of the season. They will play Keller Timber Creek Friday, Sept. 6 at the Children's Health Stadium.

Eagle Brief- Sept. 2-6

Isabella Abraham, Feature/Copy Editor
September 3, 2019
Lawyer Charles Phillips talks to Rod McCall's sixth-period government class. Phillips has practiced law in Collin County for the past 25 years. "I will sell my services, but I will not sell my integrity," Phillips said. Phillips doesn't recall all the money he's earned in his career, but he does remember all the thank-you cards he's received. "Life is about relationships, and the rest is just stuff," Phillips said. "If you care about what you do, and you care about people, you will be successful."

Eagle Brief- April 25

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
April 25, 2019
Seniors commit to further academic and athletic careers. A ceremony was held Wednesday, April 17 in the arena. Family and friends joined the athletes afterwards to congratulate them. "All of the leaders on all these teams... they are the epitome of what it means to be a Prosper Eagle," coach Nick Sharp said. "I am so happy they are all here."

Eagle Brief- April 18

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
April 18, 2019
Senior Kennedy Adams leaps over a hurdle while competing. Adams and other athletes competed at Plano ISD on April 3. Adams advanced to the finals in the hurdle event that took place April 4.

Eagle Brief- April 11

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
April 11, 2019
The "Grim Reaper," played by senior Jeremy Muchemi, as well as students who represent the "Living Dead," from the March. 26 live "Shattered Dreams" presentation line up near Eagle Drive, which was the site of the mock car crash. All students remained in class after first period, April 5, to watch the Eagle Production Group's film prepared for the "Shattered Dreams" demonstration.

Eagle Brief- April 4

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
April 4, 2019
Mr. Evangelista is honored with the Star Polisher of the Month award.

Eagle Brief- March 21

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
March 21, 2019
Officer Steven Antommarchi and his K-9 partner Kaz visit the ENO newsroom to educate the staff on drug testing. Officer Antommarchi has been with the 3-year-old Belgian Malinois since last July. "Anywhere that I am, you can bet that Kaz is there also," Officer Antommarchi said. "He’s never too far away."

Eagle Brief- March 7

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
March 7, 2019
The Percussion Ensemble competed at the 2018 National Percussion Festival in Indianapolis. Percussion instruments are defined as an instrument that produces sound when it is hit, shaken or scraped. Support the district percussionists at their  concert today Thursday, Feb. 28 at 6:30 p.m.

Eagle Brief – Feb. 28

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
February 28, 2019

Eagle Brief – Feb. 22

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
February 22, 2019
Photojournalist student Charne Du Plooy captures vase full of flowers to celebrate Valentine's Day. Here's a fun fact: the average person in the US will spend $221.34 on Valentine's day according to On another note, the VASE competition will take place Friday at 4:15-9 p.m. and Saturday at 4 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Eagle Brief- Feb. 14

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
February 14, 2019
Glenice Page poses for a photoshoot in the theatre department while working on scenes for the Children's Show. Photographer Jesslyn McCutchen took the photo for the ATPI social media contest 'Lights Out.' Musical theatre will perform their Cabaret Showcase on Feb. 8.

Eagle Brief – Feb. 7

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
February 7, 2019
Junior Keane Wijeratne performs his Michael Jackson impersonation at the basketball game Jan. 30. Wijeratne won the 2017 talent show with 'King of Pop' routine.

Eagle Brief- Jan 31

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
January 31, 2019
UIL Regional results in

UIL Regional results in

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
April 19, 2018
Paws for a cause

Paws for a cause

Isabella Abraham, Copy Editor
October 15, 2017
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The Student Voice of Prosper High School
Isabella Abraham