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The Student Voice of Prosper High School

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The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Eagle Nation Online

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The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Eagle Nation Online

Jake Radcliffe

Jake Radcliffe, Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer senior Jake Radcliffe leads the newspaper to success through writing and teamwork. This marks his third year as a staff member of Eagle Nation Online. Radcliffe is also a member of the Chamber and A Cappella choirs and the vice president of the Asian Student Association. Outside of school, he enjoys singing, reading, hanging out with friends, playing video games and being outdoors. This year, Radcliffe aims to expand ENO and ENT’s marketing, grow his journalistic skills and prepare the staff for next year when he won’t be here.

All content by Jake Radcliffe
Just before eating lunch, PCIS 1 student senior Muhammed Njie listens to a speaker during the PCIS symposium at the National Toyota Headquarters. This year, Prosper High School offered PCIS 1 and PCIS 2 for returning seniors. The program is meant to help students improve their networking and interpersonal skills.

Prosper Career Independent Study holds symposium

Jake Radcliffe, Chief Executive Officer
December 19, 2024
While the audience watches, junior Boyd Mueller sings into a microphone. Mueller plays Hades. Prosper Theatre's "Hadestown: Teen Edition" was chosen to be performed at the Main Stage at the Texas Thespian State Festival in Grapevine. "Generally, Main Stage is a privilege almost exclusively given to private fine art schools," stage manager senior Annabelle Nugent said. "The fact that a public school like Prosper is getting Main Stage is fantastic. Simply, it means that we are at the level of schools who specifically draft for stuff like fine arts and singing and dancing ability, and it's really a compliment to our actors and our technicians."

Prosper Theatre shows varsity musical

Jake Radcliffe, Chief Executive Officer
November 4, 2024
Outside the school at 5 a.m., juniors Madison Koepp, Nuala Adams and Landon Byrom pack their equipment into a district travel car. Broadcast and newspaper students traveled to San Antonio for the Texas Associatin of Journalism Educators Fall Fiesta convention Oct. 14. New district travel guidelines restrict CTE, Fine Arts and Academic Competition groups' ability to travel.

District updates travel guidelines

Jake Radcliffe, Chief Executive Officer
October 14, 2024
After waking up, freshman Kaden Wortham finds damage to his family's backyard. A large storm swept through North Texas yesterday morning. "We (my family) kind of all were just walking around doing our morning routines, and we spotted one of our umbrellas was tipped over," freshman Kaden Wortham said. "Behind it, our tables and lots of our outdoor furniture were knocked over."

Students find damage in wake of storm

Jake Radcliffe, Chief Executive Officer
September 26, 2024
In front of the smart board, seniors Akhil Kotturi, Puranjay Prashanth and Vivaan Moharir present the different units of the AP Computer Science A course. Kotturi and Prashanth's nonprofit coding organization Project UCode held review sessions for students taking the AP Computer Science A exam at Walnut Grove and Prosper high schools on Apr. 24 and May 1, respectively. "We walked through some of the basic test taking tips and the overall unit structure of how the CSA test works," Prashanth said. "We also kind of advised people how to proceed on that CSA aspect. Writing things down and keeping track of everything is really important in succeeding in CSA, especially with the amount of information they give you. So we kind of give them test taking tips, walk them through an FAQ, and gave them an opportunity as questions when they could just easily ask one of the three members out there any questions they had about the test."

Programmers expand coding organization

Jake Radcliffe, Chief Executive Officer
August 21, 2024
At the Children's Health Stadium Community Center, Kurt Smith from  Colonial Williamsburg, an American history museum, speaks about freedom in America to the audience attending the Prosper Exchange. After his speech, Smith received questions from audience members. "There are always two men in my head at any one moment," Smith said. "Jefferson has taught me a great deal. I think he has provided for me a greater understanding of American policy of constitutional understanding what it means to be a citizen. I am a stronger citizen because of Thomas Jefferson."

Actor brings history to life

Jake Radcliffe, Assistant Editor
May 2, 2024
Music teacher Thomas Greenlee helps a Music Production student in producing a song on Ableton Live. Students in the class use technology to compose and create music of different genres. "This program is kind of like my baby," Greenlee said. "I've nurtured this thing since the beginning, and now it's becoming a little bit bigger than myself."

Note by note, teacher covers music

Jake Radcliffe, Assistant Editor
February 28, 2024
Presenting to members of Model UN, president of the club, sophomore Anisha Mandem teaches about conferences. The group held this first meeting of the year Aug. 29. "I started Model UN because I've always had an interest in world affairs and political issues," Mandem said. "And, I thought it would be fun to get other students who were also interested in the same issues in a club together."

Club members build Model UN legacy

Jake Radcliffe, Podcast Director
September 20, 2022
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The Student Voice of Prosper High School
Jake Radcliffe