‘Bring Anything But A Backpack’ day sparks creativity in students

'Bring Anything But A Backpack' day sparks creativity in students

To celebrate the last day of “Thanksgiving Spirit Week” leading up to Thanksgiving Break, students participated in “Bring Anything But A Backpack” day Nov. 19. Backpacks were substituted for items ranging from shopping carts to toy cars.

Students were permitted to bring any item instead of their backpack, as long as it was both non-living and school-appropriate. The “Bring Anything But A Backpack” trend first became popular on the social media platform TikTok.

“I thought it would be a fast way to get to class,” senior Riley Smith, who rode to class in a toy car, said. “And, it’s just fun.”

Other students brought items to ride around in, as well. Junior William Arnstein brought a kayak, which he kept in the hallway during class time, and pulled people in during passing periods.

“I wanted to bring something that would differentiate me from all the shopping carts and microwaves,” Arnstein said.

Many students also used resources from their school activities, sports and extracurriculars as their backpacks for the day. Junior Rusty Joe Gonzalez brought a bucket from the FFA program.

“I figured since I’m an FFA and agricultural member, I thought I’d use my resources on hand, and brought my sheep’s water bucket.” Gonzales said.

Spirit Week occurred from Nov. 15-19, where each day was celebrating being thankful for something. “Bring Anything But A Backpack” day was for students to be “thankful for expression.”