At the bat, senior Kaden Robardey prepares to hit the baseball. Robardey plays outfield and is No. 4 on the team. His pre-game ritual is chewing green or white gum, and his favorite athlete is Bryce Harper. The varsity team will play against Quinton Creek this Thursday, Feb. 27, at the Prosper High School Baseball field. The game will start at 3:30 p.m.
Click the photo above to start a slideshow with information from the varsity baseball scrimmage Feb. 7 against Marcus High School
Who: Prosper Eagle Varsity Baseball team – Led by head coach Scott Holder
What: Varsity baseball scrimmage against Marcus High School
When: Friday, Feb. 7, at 4:30 p.m.
Where: Prosper High School Baseball Field
What’s next? The Eagles will face Hebron High School, this Friday, at the PHS Baseball Field.
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