In celebration of a successful sack, senior Davis Perkins runs toward the sidelines as he lets out an excited scream. Perkins plays as a defensive linebacker. He was a part of the homecoming court for this school year, alongside his girlfriend, senior Alexis Kirksey. The festivities began at 6:15 p.m., 45 minutes before kickoff.
Click the photo above to start a slideshow with information about the varsity football game Friday, Sep. 1 against Sachse High School
Who: Prosper Eagle Varsity Football team – Led by head coach Tyler Moore
What: Varsity football game against Sachse High School
When: Friday, Sep. 11 at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Children’s Health Stadium at Prosper ISD
What’s next: The Eagles will play Rockwall High School, Friday, Sep. 8. The game will take place at Wilkerson-Sanders Memorial Stadium at 7:00 p.m.
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