One-Word Resolution: Student sets goals for new year


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In the attached column, sophomore Lily Oxley lists her one-word resolution as “bold.” Oxley volunteered to be one of the writers who made certain the online newspaper offered content even through the holidays for readers. “Sophomore year has taught me that other people’s opinions of me are not the most important thing to be focused on,” Oxley said. “As long as I feel comfortable in my own skin, and I choose to stay confident, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.”

In the coming new year, my goal for myself is to be bold.

The Oxford Dictionary defines bold as “showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous.” I’ve learned that playing it safe in every aspect of life will not make you stand out. I don’t want to blend in with the crowd and follow the leader – I’m not saying I’m going to get a tattoo sleeve, or go skydiving anytime soon, but I just want the ability to be differentiated from everyone else.

I find that very often when people make resolutions, they tend to not follow them past the first couple of months. I wanted to choose a resolution that was realistic, achievable and something I was genuinely passionate about. 

My goal for 2022 is to be bolder. I would consider myself extroverted, and I love to meet new people, but I tend to consistently form barriers in new relationships and distance myself from people until I really get to know them. To an extent, this behavior is healthy – but, I want to see the positive in people, instead of solely focusing on the negative and making them earn their spot in my life. So, for this new year, I want to work harder on my schoolwork and my relationships with the people that I love.

For a brief moment, I would like to share my gratitude for my friends, who have been with me through everything, and, without them, I would not be who I am today. They encourage me to push myself and to get out of my comfort zone. Personally, I am counting on them to help me achieve my goal in 2022. When I feel uncomfortable or anxious, I know that they’ll be there to calm me down – and help me stand tall.

Sophomore year has taught me that other people’s opinions of me are not the most important thing to be focused on. As long as I feel comfortable in my own skin and I choose to stay confident, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.

I don’t need to pretend to be someone I’m not.