Theatre promotes mental health in ‘Moments to Moments’

Cate Emma Warren

In their starting poses, junior CC Langston, junior Marlee Parish, junior Lizzie Myers, sophomore Madeleine Wentz, and junior Charlie Yohannan, set up before beginning their song about manic. The group of combined production and musical students performed Clementine by Halsey, under the Mental Health category. “Mental health has been so stigmatized,” Yohannan said. “…and in today’s world we are finally starting to talk about it. Suicide is a real threat and having the resources to recognize, reach out, and react to a situation is incredibly important now.”

To showcase creativity and emotion, theatre department members began work on their virtual production “Moments to Moments” in August.

The entire show was given a black and gold color scheme to support the Hope Squad.

Ready to film, junior Ailee McFarland, sophomore Tate Lauby, junior Chandler Webb, sophomore Cooper Smith and senior Avery Schopp all get set in their places. The group performed a poem about eating disorders to be placed under the body image category. “I think body image is something that people shy away from talking about,” McFarland said. “It’s important to talk about the fact that everyone goes through learning to love their body. Talking about it through art is a really great way to show people that it’s normal to go through a body positive journey.” (Cate Emma Warren)

Similar to their previous fall production of “Almost Maine,” the department is accepting donations instead of traditional ticket sales, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can donate and watch the production here.

Singing “What Remains” by Drew Garsparien, freshman Hank Ryan performs his piece for the theater department’s winter production called “Moments to Moments.” The video production is available for viewing on the Prosper Theatre Website.“I enjoyed every part of this amazing show we put together,” Ryan said. “It really let everyone open up about the positive messages they wanted to put out to the world. I also enjoyed seeing everyone express their talents in different pieces of art.” (Cate Emma Warren)

The show will be available for viewing until Sunday, Dec. 13.

Director Vicki Kirkley said she knew students were struggling mentally to get through quarantine and isolation, and she felt they needed to express those emotions in a positive way.

Singing “Scott Pilgrim V. My Gpa” by Mom Jeans, senior Grayson Aron also plays his guitar alongside senior Noa Paape. The duo’s piece was apart of the ‘Love’ category. “This show allowed us high schoolers to not only express our concerns about our society,” Aron said, “but (also to) show the community what we are capable of.”(Cate Emma Warren)

“I enjoyed working on moments as it was a great way to connect with people about struggles as a teenager,” senior Sophie Sifuentes said, “especially during this time of craze.”