The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Aaron Boteng

Seniors Kaylee Mattox and Hope Raspberry say they received “a lot of funny looks” all day for their “Shattered Dreams” makeup. “(It’s worth it) because they say that it looks really cool, and they want to know about it, which is why we’re doing it,” Mattox said. “They see the dead version of me everywhere I go and what it would be like -an empty space.”

Students play ‘living dead’ for ‘Shattered Dreams’ event

April 3, 2019

On Friday, April 5, students will stay in their first-period classrooms to watch the Eagle Production Group’s short film on “Shattered Dreams.” Freshmen and sophomores received a preview screening on March 26 during the original date of the main event, which included a live re-enactment of an alcohol-related car crash – complete with first responders. Juniors and seniors watched the live show while freshmen and sophomores viewed the film, which the students in the ENG class, under the direction of adviser Michael Logan, did.

In the photos, highlighted in the attached gallery, photo editor Kester Muthalaly captured moments and comments not all witnesses had the opportunity to see or hear.

Firefighters help simulate car crash for ‘Shattered Dreams’

Filmmaking, video shoots come to lifewith Eagle Production Group

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