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The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Eagle Nation Online

The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Eagle Nation Online

The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Eagle Nation Online

A look before the runway

Designers prepare for annual fashion show
Erica Deutsch
Making seams in her design, junior Jade Hotard and the rest of the Fashion Design II class prepares for the fashion show. The designers will be displaying a villain and a hero themed look from movies. The fashion show will be held May 15 at 6 p.m. in the auditorium.

With the annual PHS fashion show right around the corner, students in Fashion Design II finish their looks for the big night. Each designer will showcase a ‘hero,’ ‘villain,’ and a ‘be you’ look where they complete creative freedom to form a look that represents their individual style. The designers finished pieces will be modeled by a student on the runway in the PHS auditorium on May 15 at 6 p.m.

As she works on her outfits, junior Chloe Harbert explains how they came up with the theme.

“We decided on the theme as a class, but we each got to choose our own movie to inspire our hero and villain looks,” Harbert said. “I chose Cruella because I always liked that movie when I was a kid, and I thought the style in it was really neat.”

Each student works on three to four designs to be displayed by student models. The models for the runway show were selected at the beginning of the year. Models go to the Fashion Design classroom to be fitted and try on the garments as they were being constructed. Days before the fashion show, Junior Grace Peden says she is focusing on finalizing her looks.

Outfits are ready on the rack, as designers are putting together the final touches for their designs to be displayed at the show. Designers have been working with models all year to try on and fit the designs. They will display their work tomorrow for parents and friends. (Erica Deutsch)

“I’m trying to finish up all my looks, add all the final touches, hem all the seams, and get everything done on time,” Peden said. “I’m doing Snow White, the Evil Queen, a premiere look, and then a ‘be unique’ one, which is basically whatever we want it to be.”

Students in the class overcame challenges throughout the year as they prepared for the show. Junior Garrett Gray said he learned valuable lessons while making his designs. His theme looks are inspired by Rapunzel and Mother Gothel, along with a ‘be you’ look and a Milly Martinez Face Dress for his premier look.

“I’m redoing some stuff that I failed the first semester,” Gary said. “At the beginning of the quarter, I didn’t know how to read instructions, paper instructions you get during sewing. I just did it by myself and went rogue. That made me fail this class, so I am going back, now that I know how to read everything — I know how to follow instructions, again.”

Junior Jade Hotard prepares her outfit and makes last-minute changes to her Queen of Hearts look, which she is also modeling herself.

“It had kind of like a corset element, but I wasn’t able to get that done in the original 30 days, but I’ve come very far in my sewing journey,” Hotard said. “I made a whole top in a day. So, I’m just kind of doing those last-minute things that I wasn’t able to originally do. I worked really hard, and this one has definitely given me a lot of challenges, but I’m really happy to finally see it come together.”

Get ready to see your classmates strut their stuff at our PHS student-produced fashion show. Join us for a night of style, creativity, and fun as our talented classmates showcase their original designs on the runway. Don’t miss out on the hottest event of the school year – see you there.
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About the Contributor
Erica Deutsch
Erica Deutsch, Feature Editor
Erica Deutsch, originally from Orlando, Florida, is a junior at Prosper High School. This is her second year working for Eagle Nation Online and she serves as the feature and entertainment editor. She adores photography and hopes to create a positive impact with her writing and podcasts. Outside of school, she enjoys playing guitar, watching movies, trying new baking recipes, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.
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