After starting in Theatre I her freshman year, senior Lauren Grammer is now the president of Prosper Theatre for this school year. Some of the previous roles Grammer has played are Scar in ‘The Lion King Jr.’, Anne Boleyn in ‘Queens,’ and Abigail Williams in ‘The Crucible.’ She also won an All Star Cast award for her performance as Abigail in the District UIL One Act Play Competition.
Lauren Grammer
Madame Thénardier
Is this your first production with the department?
No, I have been in several other productions over the past three years, and my first one was ‘Mamma Mia!’ It was the last production pre-COVID-19, which makes it a very unique time.
How do you feel about the upcoming show?
I am really excited about the upcoming show, and I feel like it is going to be good. It is a really ambitious production design, and we’ve been working with a turntable in this production, so it’s been an adventure learning to coordinate that with everything else. The show is also entirely music, so it was challenging and very different from our past productions, and I am very excited about it.
Can you describe your character?
I play Madame Thénardier, who is the Innkeeper’s wife. The Thénardiers are very much the comedic relief in the show, as they are just these heartless, mean, goofy characters who are pretty much doing their own thing for most of the show. Madame Thénardier was super fun to play, as she is just this wacky, annoying lady, which is very different from roles I have played in the past.
What are the types of things that you have been working on in rehearsals?
Lately, it’s been a lot of getting the timing of the turntable down for the set changes, as well as just finally getting all of the blocking up and running with the set and costumes. It just takes some adjusting to.
What is something you are looking forward to when the show opens?
I am just looking forward to the moment it all clicks into place and our entire company and show just… goes. You always hit this moment before you go on, when the entire room is buzzing and everyone is ready to perform and they just hit their peak at the perfect time, and it is a truly magical moment. Everyone is immersed in the story and the music and the characters, and it is just another level of incredible.
Why should people come see this show?
We have all worked so hard, and we are so excited to show you all the magic we’ve created for you.