Eagle Nation News shortens to 10 minutes
October 3, 2017

This year, changes were brought to the high school’s video broadcast team, Eagle Nation News.
As opposed to their usual 15-minute time slot which students of the past years have been used to, they now go live for 10 minutes each school day.
“The shortened ENN time this year makes it to where we have to really have to be precise with our timing,” News anchor Brandon Bonaparte said. “We still have all the content as we would with a 15-minute show.”
The new time slot did bring changes to this year’s writing format.
“We made some changes and we do that every year,” ENN Director Brian Kennedy said. “We always adjust our template to match what our news directors or our news editorial leadership team wants to do. For us we made the decision to kinda do a pull out sport show that was gonna be on Fridays so that in itself saved us two minutes in the show. Adjusting the weather down, the social media down, allowed us to do some new things.”
Students of ENN from the past school year had to adjust to the new template as well.
“I think it’s a little easier for me,” News Anchor Kacey Boston said. “I don’t have to write as much because writing is kinda like the struggling point for me.”
Staff members found it hard to condense their content down to fit the 10 minutes.
“It is easier in the fact that you don’t have to make as much content,” Bonaparte said. “It’s harder because you have to fit all of it into 10 minutes as opposed to 15.”
Other ENN students found it to easier to fill the 10-minute time slot.
“I think it’s a little bit like easier in writing,” Boston said. “You don’t have to do as much as you usually would have to do.”
A few segments from the show had to get cut down.
“You can have a bit of fun with it,” Bonaparte said. “Last year, we integrated a minute for social media and we had a three minute sports segment this year we didn’t have as much time so we had to cut some of that out.”
This year, the show will be focused more on the segments and less talking between the anchors in between them.
“You have to focus on whenever you banter you have to banter shorter,” Boston said. “It’s not as long as you usually make it so instead of like a minute banter you have to make it like a couple seconds.”
The show time lost its extra five minutes to fit into the new bell schedule for this school year.
“This year with eagle time everyday and the way the schedule is structured we kinda looked at 10 minutes,” Kennedy said. “If we would of gone 15 the whole day would of gone almost to 4:00 p.m.”
ENN preparation for a new school year is not as simple as it may seem.
“We do a boot camp every year,” Kennedy said. “[This lets] our kids understand the process of creating a rundown.”
To make up for the five minutes lost, Kennedy has plans to extend the production outside of school.
“Were about to launch our new network website,” Kennedy said. “We’re looking into [doing] a hard news show. We’re planning on producing a true 30-minute comedy sitcom. By doing that, it allows us to go beyond 10 minutes and create content that is just specifically for the web.”