Boys golf team places 9th

Patrick Mann, Reporter

The golf team had a tournament this past Monday at Gentle Creek Country club. The conditions were not ideal as the night before it had rained. The day of the tournament the wind was consistently blowing 20 mph.

It unfortunately was just unlucky the boys had to play on a course where 14 out of the 18 holes the wind affected the shots. There were hints that spring was quickly approaching as the fairways were starting to green, and the rain the night before had softened up the course.

The speed of the greens made putts that weren’t hit very hard still have the potential to roll by the hole at least an extra foot or two.

Overall the boys took 9th place in a field of about 20 or so teams but no one on the team placed individually. Connor Keene shot 81, Noah Blocher 93, Jake Hughes 94, Patrick Mann 95 and Austin Davis 101, The Eagle boys finished with a 343, total team score.

The team from the local home school group won the tournament with a score of 293, and one of the kids from the home school team won the individual he shot a 73. However, they will not be in our district because they are not a part of UIL.

Right now, McKinney North will be the team to beat because they are the team in our district that are the best and in previous years both the Eagles and Bulldogs have been close in years past when it came down to district. Luckily the boys still have time to recover and really get good practice in before the district tournament, as it is still a month away.