The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Joseph Molina joins the school to teach agricultural science this year.

Joseph Molina joins school to teach ag science

Joseph Molina joined the school to teach Agricultural Science this year.

1. What did you do before Prosper and/or teaching?

“I was in the United States Marine Corps from 2004-2009. I worked in two aluminum extrusion plants (manufacturing) for three years. I taught agriculture at Plano Senior High School for six years.”

2. What’s the craziest thing that has happened while teaching or in your past career?

“We had a sheep escape from its pen at school and get loose in the courtyard of Plano Senior. It was running all over the place, and a principal who was as New Yorker as New Yorkers can get was able to catch the sheep like he’d lived in the country his whole life.”

3. Favorite part about teaching?

“Working with livestock animals and seeing students reach their full potential in FFA.”

4. Goal for yourself and your students this year? 

“I would like for our students to qualify for state in an LDE (speaking) contest this year.”


Teacher journeys from Marines to FFA

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