How students can use Eagle Time to their advantage
Senior Isabella Abraham works on homework during Eagle Time. The built in study hall is from 1:44 p.m. – 2:22 p.m. this year. Columnist Haley Medeiros covers how Eagle Time can be used to benefit students beyond just a study hall. “Sometimes just talking with peers that you don’t normally get to see in class can put your mind at ease,” Medeiros said. “With eight classes, homework, tests, essays, and projects, it seems that we never get time to see our friends or chat with people who matter to us.”
August 29, 2019
With roughly 4,000 students attending the high school, it is no secret that navigating the “Eagle Time” can be a challenge. Whether you are an Eagle-Time enthusiast or didn’t even realize Eagle Time has started yet, here is how to make the most of your 30-minute study hall and make sure it doesn’t get eliminated.
What students can do …
While Eagle Time is normally referred to as a study hall, there is so much more you can do during that time that doesn’t violate the rules, but still makes it fun and beneficial for you. Homework is always allowed and encouraged, but sometimes high schoolers just need a break from work.
Find a teacher’s room where you can relax, listen to music, read a book, or whatever makes you feel less stressed. According to OnlineSchools and researchers at the University of Illinois, a small break in the day actually lowers stress and helps students pay better attention in class.
If quiet time is not really your thing, meet in the cafeteria with your friends. Sometimes just talking with peers that you don’t normally get to see in class can put your mind at ease. With eight classes, homework, tests, essays, and projects, it seems that we never get time to see our friends or chat with people who matter to us. Use Eagle Time to find your friends and talk for a half an hour before the last period.
What teachers can do …
Teachers need to understand that most kids are trying to follow the rules. Students come from all areas of the building, including the portables, so it might take them a little longer to get where they need to be.
It’s also important to realize that Eagle Time is the only time in an eight hour day that students have free time. Though some kids take the phrase “free time” a little too seriously, the majority of students just want to relax, talk with friends, or get some homework done.
If students follow the rules – and teachers understand that kids need a break from work, Eagle Time will be much more enjoyable for everyone.