Taco Canoe products launch

Eagle Nation News

Product pictures from tacocanoe.com

Morgan Harris, Reporter

Product pictures from tacocanoe.com
Product pictures from tacocanoe.com

Sophomore Ayden Reddington was eating lunch when one of his friends spilled his taco in a bowl of queso. From there, Reddington launched his Taco Canoe brand.

Reddington started his company on a whim because he was bored. Former A&M runner Ryan Trahan owns a watter bottle company which inspired Ayden, and he designed his own logo for the company.

“This guy that used to run for A&M, and his name is Ryan Trahan, he has his own water bottle company,” Reddington said. “I kind of drew some things and worked with people online.”

Reddington named his company Taco Canoe, after a memory from 7th grade.

“So in 7th grade, my friend spilled his taco into a bowl of queso, and everyone at the table started screaming ‘taco canoe’,”Reddington said. “Then, I made it my snapchat username and then when I was thinking of a logo idea I was like, ‘That could be cool’.”

The slogan for Taco Canoe is, “Because, why not?” and it is featured on the products as well. The products are modeled on his website, tacocanoe.com.

“[The models are] Hamilton Burdett, Kesley Hodges, my sister Ava Reddington, Jordan Rose, and C.J. Reyes,” Reddington said.

Reddington sells shirts, hoodies, stickers and hats will come out soon. The prices range from generally $25 – $40.

“[The process was] fun, long, and stressful,” Ayden said.