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The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Eagle Nation Online

The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Eagle Nation Online

The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Eagle Nation Online

The district announced that a virtual learning option will be available for students in grades kindergarten-sixth, starting Oct. 13. The online platform will be called "PISD Virtual Academy" and is a temporary learning solution to rising COVID-19 cases. "We are grateful for our community’s continued support as we work together to overcome the ongoing COVID challenges," the district said in an email sent to parents.

News Brief: District announces virtual academy for K-6th grades

Caleb Audia, Assistant News Editor & Multimedia Director
September 15, 2021
A graphic made by Executive Editor-in-Chief Amanda Hare shows the current Collin County confirmed COVID-19 cases and available ICU beds in Trauma Service Area E. Recently, Collin County and the school numbers have been rising. On Wednesday, Aug. 18, president Joe Biden announced that the Bident administration will offer a third vaccine booster shot to individuals after Sept. 20.

COVID-19 numbers rise in school, county

Amanda Hare, Executive Editor-in-Chief
August 20, 2021
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The Student Voice of Prosper High School