The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Brittany Frideley

Brittany Frideley joins the 2019-2020 staff to teach English I.

Brittany Frideley joins the 2019-2020 staff to teach English I.

Brittany Frideley joins to teach English I this year.

1.What did you do before Prosper and/or teaching?

“Prior to coming to Prosper, I taught in Southeast Texas as well as in the DFW area. Before teaching, I stayed home with my kids who are now 13, 9 and 5. All of my kids are adopted and motherhood is one of my greatest joys in life.”

2. What’s the craziest thing that has happened while teaching or in your past career?

“Craziest thing that has happened in my teaching career is when a cow (heifer) got loose on school property. In Southeast Texas the FFA students would bring their cows to our AG shop to shave them and get them ready to show at the fair. Well, one day the cow did not like being shaved, so she escaped the shop area and was loose on campus. We went into a temporary hold until the students and AG teachers were able to catch the cow and get her back to the AG area. The video of the students chasing this cow was priceless.”

3. Favorite part about teaching?

“My favorite part about teaching is seeing student growth. Teaching high school is cool because we get to see students for four years. From the time students begin as freshmen, until they graduate as seniors, an immense amount of growth occurs. To be able to be apart of that journey is one that is a true blessing. “

4. Goal for yourself and your students this year? 

“My goal for myself this year is to be the best member of the Prosper family as I possibly can. I feel honored to work here, so I just want to give my all everyday to my students, coworkers and the community of Prosper. My goal for my students is to see them grow. Most growth doesn’t happen overnight, but to see approximations towards reaching their dream is a cool process to be involved in.”

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