The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Ryan Stanley

Robin Hardy joins staff to teach Accounting 1, BIM 1, and Banking & Finance this year.

Robin Hardy

Robin Hardy teaches Accounting 1, BIM 1, and Banking & Finance.

1.What did you do before Prosper and/or teaching?

“I actually just recently I was staying at home watching my grandchildren and I’m a realtor. Before that I worked for Prosper ISD in the administration curriculum.”

2. What’s the craziest thing that has happened while teaching or in your past career?

“All of my kids graduated from Prosper so as a teacher I got to also be around for their graduation and doing the pep rallies and senior pep rallies and all that. Got to be involved in my kids. I can’t really think of anything crazy. I’m not really a crazy person.”

3. Favorite part about teaching?

“Probably the relationships and getting to know people. Students and the people you work with.”

4. Goal for yourself and your students this year? 

“Help the students understand that what they’re learning is real-life. It’s knowledge but it’s also something that can help them in the future. I’m hoping that they’ll be able to realize that and utilize it.”

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