The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Ryan Stanley

Nancy Davis joins staff to teach Pre-AP English I and Dual Credit Composition.

Nancy Davis

Nancy Davis to teach Pre-AP English I and Dual Credit Composition.

1.What did you do before Prosper and/or teaching?

“This is my sixteenth year teaching and this is my not my first time starting new. My husband has been in the military and I’ve had to switch schools quite a bit. I just moved from California and I was working with students who were the polar opposite as far as the socioeconomics of the kids here. It’s almost as if I’m having to re-acclimate myself.”

2. What’s the craziest thing that has happened while teaching or in your past career?

“I had a bird come into my classroom once, and a Siberian Husky. That was like the best day of my entire career.”

3. Favorite part about teaching?

“Discovery. It’s fun when I work with another student and they can see that ‘aha’ moment. That makes everything worth it.”

4. Goal for yourself and your students this year? 

“My goal for myself is to make sure I deliver curriculum with the same confidence that I’d hope my own children’s teachers would deliver. And learn how to scaffold either higher or lower depending on who my students are so everybody in my room has the opportunity to learn content regardless of where they are.”

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