The Student Voice of Prosper High School

Ty Morton

Ryan Stanley

Ty Morton joins to teach English I and coach soccer this year.

Click here to view the Ty Morton staff page.

1. What did you do before Prosper and/or teaching

“As far as a professional career, I’ve always taught. I’ve taught and coached mainly football and soccer as a second sport. But as far as in college, I reffed soccer and did some tutoring, so still in the mode of teaching and coaching. This is my first year not coaching football.”

2. What’s the craziest thing that has happened while teaching or in your past career?

“We were in soccer practice, and there was a piece of football equipment that was just off the field. A kid was trying to save the ball, and he didn’t. But, he hit the equipment, and he had about a 7-inch gash on the side of his leg, and you could see all the way down through the muscle. It was very disturbing and scary.”

3. Favorite part about teaching?

“Just seeing kids develop. A lot of times kids don’t understand what they’re capable of, and being able to help them reach their goals and reach their potentials, that’s always enlightening for them, but fun to see for us.”

4. Goal for yourself and your students this year? 

“In general, just to be better today than they were yesterday. Whether that’s academically and athletically or just as a person in general. I don’t necessarily focus on the technical aspects of class and sports but the overall well-rounded being of a person. If you’re better in that regard, then you’re going to be better at everything else.”

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